Friday, December 30, 2016

Circuswater 13 - Things are gonna be a changin' in 2017...

NOTE TO SELF: In 2017 - learn how to be a great cook or buy a great cook hat, open an extremely excellent restaurant, become famous/hailed from distant shores and start raking in the BIG $$$.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Circuswater 13 - The Technopolitain...

Circuswater 13 - I ate up my master's pretty, pretty coat...

More scenes from MY EXCITING LIFE
I was 13 minutes late for Perry Mason - The Case of the Wednesday Woman. To vent my anger I draw goats. There I feel better!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Circuswater 13 - Old Scribbles...

Old drawings from way-back-when that I found stuffed inside of a Sherlock Holmes book.
I can see the beginnings of Martini & Russ with Slappy, Funny Bunny and Swiggs the Cat (as a robot).

Circuswater 13 - You weren't on my mind...

Circuswater 13 - Live it or live with it...

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

Circuswater 13 - My lucky day that wasn't so lucky...

Even more scenes from MY EXCITING LIFE
Whilst out on my morning walk I spied, what I thought to be, a quarter on the sidewalk. It turned out to be a button and when I bent down to pick it up, I pulled my back out. Life is pain!

Circuswater 13 - KABOO the Genie...