Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Circuswater 13 - SAVE THIS DATE!!!...

See and hear TRIO LEO the greatest band since Dino, Desi & Billy! Meet the entire CIRCUSWATER Staff! And hey ladies, what a grand opportunity to tell RL: how much you love and adore him, how you couldn't exist without his fine cartoons, how every single thing he creates far surpasses all the other fancy schmancy cartoonists and their duplicitous attempts, how his beautiful voice and masterful guitar playing sends your heart reeling, how his handsomeness is unequaled, how you'd love to cuddle him and buy him fish!

So, come on out and be apart of The Happening Scene! Do your thang without anger or regret!! Don't be a square, turn your world 'round!!! Free your Expressive spirit!!!!

Here's what folks are saying:
"We ordered appetizers"
Dino, Desi and Billy

"I just couldn't stop fidgeting"
Mort Sahl

"My shoe was un-tied"
Kate Smith

"I want THAT BAND"
Marlo Thomas

"I pouted"
Kristen Stewart

The first 10 couples will be there first!

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