Saturday, February 26, 2011

STRANDED - Sociology 101

This was my final project for Sociology 101. It took me weeks to complete, but the professor accused me of scribbling it together in the last few moments when all projects were being turned in. I told him otherwise and commenced to explain my theory of practical minimalism, though when I tried to speak I could only, for un-explained reasons, produce a low wheezing sound. I was graded accordingly - F
Once again I was crushed by the wheels of formal education. Curses!
So, I added some color, turned it back in and my most excellent professor changed my grade from an F to an A+
Best day of school ever!

CATS AND CRADLES - Meal Planning

Circuswater 13 - Micro Madness

Seven and Seven Is - LOVE (Image File)

Seven and Seven Is - LOVE (Sound File)

Just Can't Go To Sleep - KINKS (Image File)

Just Can't Go To Sleep - KINKS (Sound File)

LIFERS - $100.00 Quartet

LIFERS - 1st Place

LIFERS - Fresh Air?